
The scholarly, discursive work of Joao Paraskeva goes deep into theory and broad into curriculum study, so broad that in fact it becomes necessary to anchor to shore his sweeping articulation of “Itinerant Curriculum Theory (ICT)” to make meaning. Allowing “progressive curriculum scholars” the chance to come out from the “critical curriculum river” where they have long traveled, Paraskeva’s (2011) germinal volume, Conflicts in Curriculum Theory , attempts a radical departure, and most assuredly sets forth a political agenda. Taken at face value, Paraskeva brazenly advances the idea to decanonize and deterritorialize the curriculum studies field as a whole. My purpose and political agenda is to advance Paraskeva’s work through this book review, and in the effort, make ICT more accessible and perhaps even plausible, by specifically calling for curricularists to unbridle curriculum study from teacher education institutions. Todd Alan Price is Director of Policy Studies and Chair of Educational Foundations and Inquiry in the National College of Education, National Louis University. He has authored and co-authored several books, chapters, and articles concerning curriculum study, teacher education, educational policy, technology in education, service learning pedagogy and civic engagement curriculum. He is a contributing member to the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS), working in 2015-16 as nominations chair and currently as the conference program chair, 2018-20. Price is a steady and enthusiastic contributor to the Internationalization of Curriculum Studies Taskforce. He has lectured internationally in Northern Cyprus (2016), Adana, Turkey (2015-16); Ottawa, Canada (2015); Braga, Portugal (2013); Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2012); Hanzhou, P.R.C. (2014), Beijing, P.R.C. (2006, 10), Shanghai, P.R.C. (2005, 06), Chifeng, P.R.C. (2010), and Qingdao, P.R.C. (2010), Hanoi, Vietnam (2010); Oxford, Great Britain (2006, 10); Tutzing, Germany (2003); and Miramar/Havana, Cuba (2003).

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