
From an isospin SU(2) × hypercharge U(1)gauge-invariant meson action for K+,π+ π+υ, a prediction ofthe Cabbibo angle was obtained earlier. Using anotherresult of the spinor strong interaction theory that the s quark is only a littleheavier than the d quark, the above action can beextended to a weakly broken SU(3) one. The Weinbergangle is found to be 30° in the limit of this SU(3)symmetry. In the approximation and context entailing thislimit, the Weinberg angle can be removed from the listof undetermined fundamental parameters in electroweaktheory. The spinor strong interaction Lagrangian used above and applied to the decayπ+ → e+υ is shown tohold for π+ →π0e+υ as well, renderingthe conserved vector current hypothesis hithertorequired to account for the latter decaysuperfluous.

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