
Abstract. We will characterize the boundedness and compactness ofweighted composition operators on the minimal Mobius invariant space. 1. IntroductionHere and henceforth, Dwill denote the open unit disk D:= {z ∈ C: |z| < 1}.The set of all conformal automorphisms of Dforms a group, called a Mo¨biusgroup and denoted by Aut(D). For any λ ∈ D, letα λ (z) =λ −z1−λzbe the Mo¨biustransformationof D. LetX be alinearspaceofanalyticfunctionson D. Then X is said to be Mo¨bius invariant if f ◦α ∈ X for all f ∈ X and allα ∈Aut(D). A typical example of Mo¨bius invariant spaces is the Besov space.For 1 < p < ∞, let B p be the space of analytic functions f on Dsuch thatZ D |f ′ (z)| p (1−|z|) p−2 dA(z) < ∞,where dA is the normalized Lebesgue area measure on D. Then B p is theBanach space with the normkfk B p = |f(0)|+Z D |f ′ (z)| p (1 −|z|) p−2 dA(z) 1/p .If p = 2, B 2 is the classical Dirichlet space that is minimal as Mo¨bius invariantHilbert space of analytic functions on D. The analytic Besov space B

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