
This paper is concerned with the approximation of integrals of a real-valued integrand over the interval [−1,1] by Gauss quadrature. The averaged and optimal averaged quadrature rules ([13,21]) provide a convenient method for approximating the error in the Gauss quadrature. However, they are applicable to all integrands that are continuous on the interval [−1,1] only if their nodes are internal, i.e. if they belong to this interval.We discuss two approaches to determine averaged quadrature rules with nodes in [−1,1]: (i) truncating the Jacobi matrix associated with the optimal averaged rule, and (ii) weighting the optimal averaged quadrature rule. We consider Chebyshev measures of the first, second, and third kinds that are modified by a linear over linear rational factor, and discuss the internality of averaged, optimal averaged, and truncated optimal averaged quadrature rules. Moreover, we show that the weighting yields internal averaged rules if a weighting parameter is properly chosen, and we provide bounds for this parameter that guarantee internality. Finally, we illustrate that the weighted averaged rules give more accurate estimates of the quadrature error than the truncated optimal averaged rules.

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