
Sigi Biromaru is an area prone to landslides. This study aims to apply the statistical method of Weight of Evidence (WoE) in landslide susceptibility mapping using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The 265 landslides that occurred 2009-2019 were randomly divided into two groups, 70% of the data were used as training dataset for susceptibility modelling and 30% of the data were used as test data for validation of the susceptibility model. Twenty-one parameters were tested for their influence on landslides. Based on the Area Under Curve (AUC), parameters that significant controlling the landslides are slope gradient, elevation, aspect, flow direction, peak ground acceleration, clay content (<0,002 mm), land cover, terrain ruggedness index (TRI), river density, soil type, lineament density, lithology, rainfall and stream power index (SPI) respectively. The validation results show that the AUC success rate is 0,811 using the training dataset and AUC prediction rate is 0,756 using the test dataset. These results indicate that the WoE method produces a good landslide susceptibility map in the Sigi Biromaru area.

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