
To review popular dietary trends and provide recommendations regarding validated dietary approaches for weight loss in the pediatric population. Like adults, children and adolescents trying to lose weight will succumb to diets promoted by the media. Many of these so-called "fad" diets tout unsupported claims for health but prove very difficult for long-term adherence. Since childhood is a pivotal time for establishing lifestyle habits, we need to provide practical dietary advice supported by scientific research. Studies suggest that emphasizing macronutrient balance while limiting both ultraprocessed foods and sugar-sweetened beverages can help our pediatric patients achieve and maintain a healthy weight. We review literature discouraging the use of restrictive dieting in the pediatric population and instead encourage a whole-foods-based, balanced dietary approach, along with regular physical activity. The goal is to support reasonable and sustainable lifestyle habits that ultimately allow children to establish lifelong health-promoting behaviors.

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