
In this article we explicitly determine the Weierstrass semigroup at any point and the full automorphism group of a known Fq2-maximal curve X3 having the third largest genus. This curve arises as a Galois subcover of the Hermitian curve, and its uniqueness (with respect to the value of its genus) is a well-known open problem. Knowing the Weierstrass semigroups may provide a key towards solving this problem. Surprisingly enough X3 has many different types of Weierstrass semigroups and the set of its Weierstrass points is much richer than its set of Fq2-rational points. This makes the curve X3 the first explicitly known maximal curve having non-rational Weierstrass points. We show that a similar exceptional behaviour does not occur in terms of automorphisms, that is, Aut(X3) is exactly the automorphism group inherited from the Hermitian curve, apart from small values of q.

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