
Abstract. A major limitation factor for the low productivity in peas is weeding. A particularly critical moment in the race between the crop and weeds is the early period of growth and development. Given the influence of the varying climatic and soil conditions on the diversity and density of weed species, a differentiated approach is needed to remove them by using chemical and agrotechnical means. Studies on the varietal susceptibility to herbicides in forage pea in Bulgaria are very limited due to the fact that varietal diversity was not available in the recent past. The objective of the paper is to present a short analysis of the studies relating to weeding in peas and the control of the more important weed groups in it as well as to establish an individual approach in applying agrotechnical and chemical methods for weed control in growing different pea varieties of winter and spring forms. The use of pea varieties different in biological type as well as the possibilities to use varieties from the European variety list in modern agriculture determines the need to test the reaction of each individual variety not only to the herbicides recommended for this crop, but also to new herbicidal preparations and doses. Determining the composition of weed associations, applying suitable herbicides and herbicide mixtures in weed control of pea, combined with proper agrotechnics, is a prerequisite for optimizing the biological productive potential of the crop.

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