
Develoment of weed competitive crop cultivars is an attractive low-cost strategy of integrated weed management program that can reduce the heavy dependence of crop cultivation to chemical herbicides. Hence, to evaluate the weed competitiveness Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) released selected monsoon rice varieties, a field experiment was conducted during July to December 2018 at the Agronomy Field Laboratory of Bangladesh Agricultural University. Thirty-three rice varieties were grown under season long weedy and weed-free conditions. Plots without rice plants were also maintained to investigate the natural growth of weed in absence of rice. The experiment was conducted following randomized complete block design with three replicates. The results showed that rice varieties varied widely in yielding ability and weed competitiveness. Among rice varieties, BRRI dhan31 allowed the minimum weed growth (32.5 g m-2) while BRRI dhan51 allowed the maximum weed growth (155.3 g m-2). Grain yield ranged between 3.6 t ha-1 (BRRI dhan49) and 7.5 t ha-1 (BR10) under weed-free condition and between 2.2 t ha-1 (BRRI dhan70) and 3.9 t ha-1 (BRRI dhan34) under weedy condition. Weed imposed relative yield loss ranged from 10.2 to 66.9% among the rice varieties. BRRI dhan34 allowed the least yield penalty (10.2%) while BRRI dhan70 had the maximum yield penalty (66.9%) due to competition with weeds. Although BR10 appear as the most productive variety (7.5 t ha-1) its weed imposed relative yield loss was higher (51.3%) than many other varieties with low yield potential. On the other hand, BRRI dhan34 appeared as the most weed competitive variety (only 10.2% relative yield loss) with productivity of 3.9 t ha-1. Considering the yield, BR10 was the best but for weed suppressive ability BRRI dhan34 performed well.

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