
We studied the heterogeneity of soil weed seed-bank in a rice-wheat rotation system after long-term application of different organic or non-organic fertilizers, and the effects of major nutrients on the characteristics of the weed seed-bank. The soil was sampled in the Taihu area after a 31-year long-term fertilization experiment. Weed seeds were identified and counted in the surface soil of 12 differentially treated areas using microscopic examination, and analyzed by the Simpson, Shannon, Margalef, and Pielou indexes. The long-term application of organic fertilizers could significantly reduce the density of soil weed seed-bank; non-organic fertilizers and a combination of non-organic and organic fertilizers had a significant influence on the number of species and diversity of weeds. The application of organic fertilizers improved the Simpson, Shannon and Pielou indexes of soil weed seed-bank community and stabilized the community structure. In terms of the soil nutrient system itself, the soil organic materials and total nitrogen content are the main environmental factors affecting the distribution of soil weed seed-bank.

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