
Herbicide resistance has become a major issue in recent decades. Because diagnostics is still expensive, prediction models are helping to assess risks of resistance evolution. In this paper the influence of weed management on the evolution of resistance of the grass Alopecurus myosuroides Huds to ALS-inhibitors is investigated based on field history data from two regions, Hohenlohe in Germany and Champagne in France respectively. Champagne data also comprise information on Lolium spp. Using a random forest method variable importance and performance measures were obtained for a large number of single analyses allowing for a statistical analysis of the four performance measures, type I error, type II error, AUC and accuracy. It could be shown that acceptable predictions can be obtained for training data from Hohenlohe applied to Champagne and vice versa. It turned out that in nearly all analyses false negative classifications are more frequent than false positive classifications. Based on a combined training set of A.myosuroides samples from Hohenlohe and Champagne resistance status of Lolium spp. from the Champagne dataset can be predicted with a good accuracy. This suggest that resistance evolution to ALS-inhibitors of the two grasses are closely related. This work is a first step to set a simple herbicide resistance prediction tool to the users based on field history weed management data.

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