
A field experiment was conducted during 2013-14 to 2015-16 at SeedSpice Research Station, S.D. Agricultural University, Jagudan on“Integrated weed management in isabgol ( Plantago ovata Forsk )”. Thesoil was loamy sand in texture, neutral in soil reaction, with low in organiccarbon, medium in available phosphorus and potash. There were tentreatments consisting physical and chemical weed control as well as theirintegration. Weed control treatments affected considerably on growth andyield attributes of isabgol. Whereas, there was no positive impact on testweight. The maximum and minimum values of all the growth and yieldattributes were achieved under treatment when crop was facilitate with twointer-culturing fb hand weeding at 25 and 40 DAS and unweeded controltreatments, respectively. Similarly, Physical method of weed control i.e.Two inter-culturing fb hand weeding at 25 and 40 DAS recordedsignificantly higher seed yield over rest of the treatments. The weeds werecontrolled efficiently resulted in higher seed yield under physical method.Effective removal of weeds throughout the crop growth period better spaceand resources utilization i.e., moisture, nutrients, solar radiation etc. Theadoption of a purely physical method of weed control i.e. treatment T : two9inter-culturing fb hand weeding at 25 and 40 DAS recorded significantlylower sedges, monocot, dicot and total weed count and dry weight ofweeds during investigation. Thus, performing two inter-culturing followedby hand weedings at 20 and 40 DAS produced sustainable and qualityseed yield and maintained the soil health.

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