
Thirteen field trials were conducted in 1999 and 2000 to evaluate postemergence (POST) weed control with single applications of bromoxynil at 420 or 560 g ai/ha, glufosinate at 291 or 409 g ai/ha, glyphosate at 1,120 g ai/ha, pyrithiobac at 36 or 72 g ai/ha, or sulfosate at 1,120 g ai/ha. Additional treatments evaluated included two applications with glufosinate at both rates in all possible combinations, two applications of glyphosate, and two applications of sulfosate. Weeds were 2 to 5 cm or 8 to 10 cm tall for annual grass and broadleaf weeds whereas yellow nutsedge and glyphosate-resistant corn were 8 to 10 cm tall. All herbicide treatments controlled 2- to 5-cm common cocklebur, Florida beggarweed, jimsonweed, ladysthumb smartweed, Pennsylvania smartweed, pitted morningglory, prickly sida, redroot pigweed, smooth pigweed, and velvetleaf at least 90%. All herbicide treatments except pyrithiobac at either rate controlled 2- to 5-cm common lambsquarters, common ragweed, and tall morningglory at least 90%; pyrithiobac at the lower rate was the only treatment that failed to control entireleaf and ivyleaf morningglory at least 90%. Bromoxynil and pyrithiobac at either rate controlled 2- to 5-cm sicklepod 33 to 68% whereas glufosinate, glyphosate, and sulfostate controlled ≥99%. Glyphosate and sulfosate applied once or twice controlled hemp sesbania less than 70% and volunteer peanut less than 80%. Bromoxynil and pyrithiobac were the least effective treatments for control of annual grass species and bromoxynil controlled Palmer amaranth less than 80%. Glufosinate controlled broadleaf signalgrass, fall panicum, giant foxtail, green foxtail, large crabgrass, yellow foxtail, seedling johnsongrass, Texas panicum, and glyphosate-resistant corn at least 90% but controlled goosegrass less than 60%. Glyphosate and sulfosate controlled all grass species except glyphosate-resistant corn at least 90%. In greenhouse research, goosegrass could be controlled with glufosinate POST plus a late POST-directed treatment of prometryn plus monosodium salt of methylarsonic acid.

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