
Mungbean is a plant that is cultivated by most of the people of Indonesia at the time before the dry season in the former paddy fields. The presence of weeds in crops that are not controlled by farmers caused the low yield of mungbean obtained by farmers. This study aims to determine the weed control technology to increase the growth and yield of mungbean in soil types. This experiment is a factorial experiment arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) and repeated three times. The first factor is the weed control technology consisting of three kinds: weedy, hand weeding, and tool weeding. The second factor is the type of soil that consists of four types: coastal sand, latosol, volcanic, and regosol. The results showed that weed control at the age of 20 days after planting (DAP) could increase the growth and yield of mungbean in soil types, except in volcanic soils. Weed control with the hand weeding in coastal sand can give a higher production than tool weeding. Weed control technology with the hand and tool weeding way gives the results of mungbean relatively similar to latosol and regosol soils.

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