
Long-standing controversy has existed over whether sublobar resection is an adequate oncological procedure for clinical stage IA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) ≤2 cm, despite the recent randomized trial reports of Japanese Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG) 0802 and Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) 140503 demonstrating non-inferior outcomes with sublobar resection compared to lobectomy. As practice patterns shift, we sought to compare oncologic outcomes in patients with these early-stage tumors after wedge resection, segmentectomy, or lobectomy in a contemporary, real-world, cohort. A retrospective review of a prospectively maintained database from a single institution was conducted from 2011 to 2020 to identify all patients with clinically staged IA1 or IA2 NSCLC (tumors ≤2 cm with no nodal involvement). The primary outcomes of interest were overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS), with secondary outcomes of lung cancer-specific survival (LCSS), recurrence patterns, and perioperative morbidity and mortality. A total of 480 patients were identified; 93 (19.4%) patients underwent wedge resection, 90 (18.7%) received segmentectomy, and 297 (61.9%) underwent lobectomy. Patients who underwent wedge resection had worse Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status (23.7% ECOG 1 or 2 vs. 5.6% among segmentectomy and 5.4% among lobectomy, P<0.05). Both wedge resection and segmentectomy patients had lower preoperative mean percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume in one second (%FEV1) compared to the lobectomy group (81.8% and 82.6% vs. 89.6%, P=0.002), a higher proportion of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and interstitial lung disease (ILD), and a higher Charlson Comorbidity Index. There were no statistically significant differences in 5-year OS, DFS, or LCSS between groups: 90%, 61%, 78% for wedge resections compared with 85%, 75%, 86% for segmentectomy, and 87%, 77%, 87% for lobectomy, respectively. Recurrence was observed in 17 patients who underwent wedge resection (18.3%, 8 local, 9 distant), 12 patients who received segmentectomy (13.4%, 6 local, 6 distant), and 38 patients who underwent lobectomy (12.8%, 11 local, 27 distant), which was not significantly different (P=0.36). Patients with inferior performance status or lower baseline pulmonary function are more likely to receive wedge resection for clinical stage IA NSCLC ≤2 cm in size. For these small tumors, lobectomy, segmentectomy, and wedge resection provide comparable oncologic outcomes.

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