
Websites on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy for sleep apnea are numerous and can come through a number of sources. They may be developed by physicians, in either academic or private practice. Commercial providers of CPAP equipment have developed many sites for their products, along with education resources. The following are synopsis of representative Websites dealing with CPAP for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Commercial sites: http://www.resmed.com: A useful site for both physicians and patient, ResMed.com offers easily accessible information. We found that the site provides information about flow generators (autotitration, bilevel, and CPAP), mask systems humidifiers, and special software to measure CPAP compliance in PDF format. One can access information designed for clinicians and patients. Clinician information includes treatment, titration, mask fitting and response to treatment. We found very useful information designed specifically for patients instructing them about the proper way to apply the masks using short video clips (these can be viewed by clicking the ‘SUPPORT’ icon and moving to the ‘PRODUCT SUPPORT’ icon on the left side of the computer screen). A drawback of Websites such as this one is that much of the patient information is product specific and may not be applicable to other name brand equipment. http://www.cpapman.com: This site provides patients with a source to purchase most CPAP products currently available. Custom made headgear for nasal pillows is a featured product. There is useful patient education for cleaning CPAP equipment, helpful tips for heated humidifiers and using nasal pillows. New equipment available is shown on the initial page. Practitioners may find sites such as this one very useful in the clinic environment. At our own institution, each examining room has a computer terminal allowing for easy demonstration of the variety of masks types. This is especially helpful when we encounter patients referred to our center from outside physicians. Often times, patients may not remember the type of masks that they were given and referral to this site (under the ‘Quick Finder Index’ icon) often settles the problem when patients can identify their mask on the computer screen. http://www.cpap.com: This is a commercial site for purchasing CPAP equipment by patients. It is a large private sleep disorder treatment business owned by John Goodman. Patient information is available in the form of frequently asked questions about CPAP use and equipment. A question on CPAP use can be asked either online or through a toll free number. A newsletter discussing equipment is helpful to both clinician and patient. Back issues of the letter are available online. There is also a discussion on battery hook up for specific CPAP machines. http://www.talkaboutsleep.com: This informative site has been set up by Dr James O’Brien, a pulmonologist in private practice. Live chat rooms and message boards are the main emphasis. Updated sleep news and research is available for both patient and clinician. Links are provided to equipment dealers. http://www.sleepquest.com: Robert Koenigsburg is the president of this commercial site featuring Dr William Dement. Dr Dement is the Chief Scientific Advisor and provides a periodic column. Patient support for CPAP includes A.W.A.K.E group link and My Sleep Forum chat room. Information on CPAP cleaning instructions and the importance of compliance is available for the patient. http://www.innomedinc.com: This site is a commercial site specifically for the Nasal–Aire interface. Detailed information is available on the product for clinician and patient. An instructional fitting video for the product is featured. A thorough review of sleep and sleep apnea is the primary educational information. http://www.sleep-breathing.bc.ca: The Vancouver Sleep and Breathing Center provide this Website for patients and clinicians. There is general information available for CPAP treatment of sleep apnea. We reviewed this site previously in reference to oral appliances for sleep apnea. Education sites http://www.sleepapnea.org: A very useful educational site for both patient and clinician. Publications are available for choosing a CPAP, mask and headgear. Information on traveling with CPAP provides a link to the DOT Fact Sheet. The wellness letter for snoring and apnea, Wake-Up Call, is available with reprints of past articles. There is information for health care providers tailored specifically for Sleep

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