
Stasiun Mebel Jepara is a furniture store located in Medan, Indonesia. At the Stasiun Mebel Jepara store, there are problems regarding recording the results of transaction services, where the shop owner calculates the transaction results relying on a calculator and does not use a computer, product data collection also depends on recording on books so that employees have difficulty seeing product prices because they have to communicate again with the shop owner. Shop owners also find it challenging to record and collect data on products to be repaired and forged, so shop owners often seek back information obtained through private chats from customers. The author builds the Stasiun Mebel Jepara website using the Scrum method and the Laravel framework. The author uses the Scrum method because it is iterative, incremental, and can apply a continuous learning culture. The author decided to use Laravel because it has complete documentation and can be used freely and free of charge—the work on this final project resulted in the Stasiun Mebel Jepara Website. After building the Stasiun Mebel Jepara website, the author tested the website’s usability using the System Usability Scale. The results of testing on 169 respondents in using the System Usability Scale website showed that the average SUS score of respondents was 64.41 with an interpretation of the C grade category. Respondents assessed that the website created was OK (adjectives) and marginal (acceptability), and passive in terms of NPS.

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