
Zygiella x-notata is an orb-weaving spider that often renews its trap daily. Web building has associated costs and benefits, and building successive webs may have consequences for lifetime reproductive success. In the laboratory, we tested the ability of Z.x-notata to modify its building behaviour in response to various stages in predation (prey detection, capture and ingestion) experienced with a previous web. We determined which stages provided information for the spiders. Spiders that detected, captured and ingested prey and then rebuilt their web used less silk and made a smaller capture area than in the previous web. There was no effect of prey detection alone on the next web. Capture without feeding gave the same results as capture followed by feeding. The spiders that ate prey without detection and capture (feeding by hand) had the same energetic gains as spiders that caught prey but delayed building a new web. The spiders thus showed plasticity in web-building behaviour and in the amount of silk used (energetic investment) in the short term (from one web to the next). Changes in body condition may therefore influence web construction. Moreover, information gained during prey capture appeared to influence the size and structure of the next web. This ability should enable spiders to adapt their web building to maximize their fitness.

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