
The present study examined the webbing life type and behavioral response of date palm mite (DPM) Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) toward its webbing residues, in presence or absence of immature individuals, on leaves and fruits of date palm. DPM exhibited a complicated web life type on both the leaves and fruits of date palm, which is characterized by the following features: complicated irregular web structure; webbing density on the leaves is medium and on the fruits extremely high; eggs are always laid on the threads of web without web cover; fecal pellets are deposited on the substrate surface (both leaf and fruit); quiescent stages are on the silken web threads; and the preferred site for feeding and walking is under the web. Behavioral observation of DPM females revealed that the midrib of leaves and the base of fruits of date palm were the preferred sites for feeding and web construction. The number and development stage of DPM affected the behavioral response of females on date palm leaves but not on the fruits. DPM spent most time feeding under the web on both the leaves and fruits of date palm.

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