
Teleradiology is the electronic transmission of radiological patient images, such as x-rays, CT, or MR across multiple locations. The goal could be interpretation, consultation, or medical records keeping. Information technology solutions have enabled electronic records and their associated benefits are evident in health care today. However, salient aspects of collaborative interfaces, and computer assisted diagnostic (CAD) tools are yet to be integrated into workflow designs. The Computer Assisted Diagnostics and Interventions (CADI) group at the University at Buffalo has developed an architecture that facilitates web-enabled use of CAD tools, along with the novel concept of synchronized collaboration. The architecture can support multiple teleradiology applications and case studies are presented here.The architecture is associated with a GUI that enables DICOM viewing and annotation, capabilities that are standard in popular workflow solutions. The architecture integrates computer vision algorithms that normally require large computing power into the workflow process. Unique enhancements have been added to the UI in the form of collaboration tools developed specifically for teleradiology.

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