
This article presents the development process of a web application designed to manage the entrances and exits of institutional vehicles at the University Center for Exact Sciences and Engineering of the University of Guadalajara, under the supervision of the Coordination of General Services. A detailed description of the analysis, design and development of the project is provided. The web application was developed in the Mobile Programming and Innovation Laboratory, with the purpose of digitizing and automating the vehicle registration and control process, replacing the manual filling of sheets or folios with an efficient web system. The main objective of the project was to improve the efficiency and precision in the registration of departures and returns of vehicles, through the capture, storage and consultation of various data related to drivers, vehicles, itineraries, fuel, tools and equipment, mileage, among others. Relevant aspects for vehicle control. The development of the project was carried out applying the agile SCRUM methodology, which is characterized by its focus on adaptability, iterative delivery, effective collaboration, value generation and efficient risk management. SCRUM allowed greater flexibility in development, ensuring customer satisfaction and alignment with their needs and expectations.

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