
The rapid growth of online Web services has led to the proliferation of functionality-wise equivalent services with differences in their descriptions and behaviors, and therefore has given rise to the need for service adaptation. In this chapter, we discuss key challenges for Web service interoperability and adaptation. We present a consolidated framework including a methodology, methods and tools for identifying and tackling service adaptation challenges by characterizing service adaptation issues, their semi-automated identification and resolution for adapter development. The innovative contributions of the our work consist in (i) a taxonomy of common mismatches at the service interfaces and business protocols whose definitions and resolutions are captured in mismatch patterns, (ii) a business protocol-aware matching of service specifications, and (iii) methods and tools for instantiating mismatch patterns with two different architectural approaches, i.e., standalone adapters and aspect-oriented adaptation. The combination of mismatch patterns, semi-automated mismatch identification, and tools for adapter development presents the foundation for rapid adaptation of Web services.

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