
e internet is a rapidly expanding environment where a vast amount of info is available, yet obtaining it might be challenging. Web scraping is therefore a crucial technique for obtaining data.Data can be extracted from different websites using a process called web scraping. Depending on the technology used, end users can obtain the data in spreadsheet, csv, json, xml, and database forms. Numerous fields, including e-commerce, market research, brand monitoring, and others, use web scraping.Our solution suggests a way to compare product details that are retrieved from e-commerce websites.Various tools are used for data extraction, including BeautifulSoup, Selenium, Scrapy, and others. BeautifulSoup is used by our system to extract data. Data is stored in a MySQL database following extraction. Our webapp then presents this data in a format that is similar. It takes time to visit each website individually and compare product details; therefore, in order to help the user compare products, our system will show all of the product details from different websites.

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