
The work is devoted to the development of a web-based support system for monitoring the implementation and management of small projects implemented according to the agile methodology (in particular, in the field of information technologies). Monitoring the implementation of projects is an important factor in their success, which in turn has a positive impact on the company's profits and the economy as a whole. Existing solutions in the field of project management were analyzed: the main models of project management were considered, as well as the main software tools for their implementation, their advantages and disadvantages. The task of developing a web-based system for monitoring and project management according to the Agile methodology was formed. The software tools for the system implementation were selected and the database structure was designed. The software of the server part was implemented using the architecture "model - view - controller", for which UML-diagrams of the relevant components of the system were developed. The developed server software uses a software interface with response to requests in JSON format, which allows you to further develop in addition to the web interface and mobile applications. The web interface implemented by the Angular framework implements basic functions for users and system administrators, such as entity management, authorization and registration, and includes an analytical tool for monitoring project performance, namely the burn-out chart. The developed software will be useful for small projects that use Agile methodologies, both partially and completely, and which do not require complex tools that require a long setup process. Implementing this system as a web-based application allows you to use it from both desktop computers and mobile devices.

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