
An increasing number of Americans obtain their news via the Internet.1 However, some media critics, scholars and journalists have expressed reservations about the of online news because of concerns about the high speed at which a story can be posted online2 and the linking of news content with advertising.3 Johnson and Kaye believe that lack of trust in information obtained from the Internet could keep it from becoming even more important and influential news source.4 To address these concerns about the of Internet information, noted online media critics such as Steve Outing and J. D. Lasica have called for Internet news sites to publish statements disclosing to users the standards and values of the sites, as well as information explaining how the corporate relationships of the newsgathering organization relate to editorial coverage.5This exploratory study uses content analysis to examine the Web sites of daily newspapers, as well as Web-only news sites, for the presence of such information, referred to by Outing as credibility statements.6Credibility Concerns of Online NewsThe Internet allows journalists to post information almost as soon as they receive it, a quality seen by many journalists as having a positive impact on the profession.7 However, Lasica alleges this ability heightens the traditional competition among journalists to be the first to report a story and makes errors more common.8 A recent study found a majority of journalists said the Internet has increased the amount of errors in news stories9 and a study of online newspaper editors found that nearly half said the speed of the Internet has decreased the time spent verifying facts in news stories.10In addition, the public feels that maintaining a clear separation between editorial and advertising content is important.11 However, news sites often put related advertisements adjacent to articles.12 Linking articles to commerce, according to McNamara, is more powerful online than in print. A print advertisement requires a reader to visit a store to make a purchase, but online users simply have to click on a link.13Another aspect of transaction journalism includes the formation of alliances in which outside company sponsors entire content area.14 The relationship between a news site and its advertisers is even more difficult for readers to understand when sponsorships are related to editorial content15 and such sponsorships can compromise a site's credibility.16The mixing of editorial content and e-commerce, says Outing, represent serious threats to a journalistic entity's with the public.17 News organizations, he says, need to publicly post editorial policies clearly explaining the relationships they have with other companies and how those relationships impact their editorial coverage. Lasica agrees, noting that in this age of cynicism regarding the media, the public declaration of a news site's principles would send a powerful message and help gain public trust.18 Online media executives interviewed by McNamara said they believe that because the Internet is evolving medium it is more difficult for online readers to recognize the line separating commerce from content, a sentiment that is confirmed in a study conducted by the Online News Association.19 Byrd writes that links explaining news decisions and policies would give notice that news sites are accountable to their readers.20 Outing also writes it is vital for news sites without a traditional media counterpart to publish their policies to boost their reputation. Such news sites, he says, don't have the luxury of relying on the reputation of an old media parent.21 Sites with traditional counterparts would be well-served by publishing their policies, given that journalistic standards can differ within a single news organization.22Research QuestionsRQ1:To what extent are daily newspaper Web sites and Web-only news sites posting statements regarding their editorial policies? …

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