
Statistics is a branch of science that studies ways of collecting, processing, presenting, analyzing, interpreting and drawing conclusions from data. Descriptive Statistics is a part of statistics that carries out the tasks of collecting data, classifying, processing and presenting quantitative data. Statistics has a very important and necessary role in various areas of life, so that statistics courses are taught in almost all departments, both exact and non-exact, at various educational institutions. A common problem found in studying statistics courses is that students in non-exact majors are less interested in courses involving numerical data processing, so that learning outcomes for this course are generally relatively low. With advances in information technology, several statistical applications have been developed, but these applications directly present the final results of data processing without displaying the steps to obtain the final results. This is inadequate from a learning perspective, because students do not get a clear picture of the steps for solving problems based on statistics. This research uses the method waterfall [8] [9] or linear sequential, namely a sequential and systematic software development method consist of : Analysis, Design, Coding and Testing. The result of making this application is an analysis of data dispersion measures consisting of Range, Inter Quartile Range, Quartile Deviation, Average Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance, Coefficient Variation and Coefficient Quartile. This application will show in detail the steps to solve the problem according to theory, formulas and calculation steps to get the final result. These results will make it easier for students to understand and it is hoped that this course will be presented more interestingly and ultimately increase learning outcomes.

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