
Due to its high portability and simplicity, web application (app) based on HTML/JavaScript/CSS has been widely used for various smart-device platforms. To take advantage of its wide platform pool, a new idea called app migration has been proposed for the web platform. Web app migration is a framework to serialize a web app running on a device and restore it in another device to continue its execution. In JavaScript semantics, one of the language features that does not allow easy app migration is a closure. A JavaScript function can access variables defined in its outer function even if the execution of the outer function is terminated. It is allowed because the inner function is created as a closure such that it contains the outer function's environment. This feature is widely used in web app development because it is the most common way to implement data encapsulation in web programming. Closures are not easy to serialize because environments can be shared by a number of closures and environments can be created in a nested way. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to fully serialize closures. We created mechanisms to extract information from a closure's environment through the JavaScript engine and to serialize the information in a proper order so that the original relationship between closures and environments can be restored properly. We implemented our mechanism on the WebKit browser and successfully migrated Octane benchmarks and seven real web apps which heavily exploit closures. We also show that our mechanism works correctly even for some extreme, closure-heavy cases.

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