
Sportscience www.sportsci.org Description: This is a peer-reviewed journal and web site that is maintained by Will Hopkins, PhD, a professor of sport and exercise science in Auckland, New Zealand. The web site’s greatest contribution is the wealth of resources for those engaging in sport-related research. Articles and spreadsheets explain and provide examples of many aspects of research design including assigning subjects in controlled trials, statistical analysis tools and their applicability, sample size estimation, assessment of validity, and design of meta-analyses to name a few. Utilization of the articles and spreadsheets requires some prior training in research due to the level at which they are written. Cost: Free Chronic Osteoarthritis Management Initiative http://www.usbji.org/programs/coami Description: The U.S. Bone and Joint Initiative is an action network tasked with improving the care of people with musculoskeletal conditions. One of its offshoot initiatives convened in 2012 that deals specifically with osteoarthritis (OA) is the Chronic Osteoarthritis Management Initiative. Its aims are to improve early diagnosis, develop tools that promote patient self-management and engagement, support prevention and coordinated care of OA, and develop an OA-specific research agenda. This web site is the public face of this initiative. Cost: Free The Dietary Supplement Label Database www.dsld.nlm.nih.gov/dsld/ Description: The Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) is a joint effort of the National Institute of Health and the National Library of Medicine. The DSLD web site contains the full label contents of all dietary supplements marketed in the United States. Although it is initially being developed for research purposes, it serves as an easily navigable resource for consumers and providers as well those who may be wishing to investigate the contents of a specific supplement. The web-based databases are searchable and also are organized for browsing based on specific ingredients, the product name, or the manufacturer. Where applicable, it also compares ingredient levels within a product with the current dietary reference intake recommendations. Cost: Free U.S. Anti-Doping Agency www.usada.org Description: The web site of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency serves as a one-stop resource for athletes, trainers, and physicians with questions about supplement use and medication use in sports. In conjunction with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA-AMA.org), they maintain a unified Prohibited List and an International Standard for Laboratories to clarify what entails fair completion and just testing practices. The status of all medications and supplements can be searched including whether they are banned in competition, out of competition, or both. In cases where prohibited medications are prescribed for legitimate medical diagnoses, USADA.org walks individuals through the application of therapeutic use exemptions. USADA is a signatory to the revised World Anti-Doping code, which took effect on January 1, 2015, which is an effort to streamline antidoping efforts around the globe. Cost: Free Run Sweet www.runsweet.com Description: This is a web site built by individuals with diabetes who are participating in sports. It is written specifically for those with diabetes who have questions about diabetes and athletic participation. The medical content is edited by an endocrinologist in the UK who specializes in diabetic care. In addition to general information on diabetes, there is information on initiating sport participation, what happens to glucose and hormone levels with exercise, and tips on how to safely exercise and effectively manage one’s diabetes during athletic participation. For providers looking for thorough and thoughtful educational resources for their diabetic athletes, this is an excellent web site to recommend. Cost: Free

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