
Radiology Masterclass Tutorials: http://radiologymasterclass.co.uk/tutorials/tutorials/ Radiology Masterclass is a UK-based web site where educators will find value in materials on the basics of musculoskeletal X-ray. The site provides excellent free content that can be used to teach learners at the medical student level and below. The most valuable material is the descriptive X-ray overlays that clearly define normal anatomy and pathology. It is worth noting that there are some compatibility issues with certain browsers when viewing the images — it would be worth exploring the tutorials in detail before referring learners to the site. In addition to the free content, visitors to the site also can purchase online assessments (price, £67 to 115 per assessment) accredited by the Royal College of Radiologists, London, UK. Cost: Free and paid content. Soc Doc: http://sock-doc.com/ Soc Doc is a web site founded by holistic provider Stephen Gangemi who holds chiropractic and nutrition degrees along with a certification in kinesiology. The site is a lay resource for athlete self-diagnosis of common sport-related injuries. Emphasis is placed on lower body injuries and nutrition pertaining to the endurance athlete. Media includes articles, podcasts, and videos. Visitors also can sign up for a newsletter, participate in the web site’s forum, and sign up to follow Mr. Gangemi on the social media platform of their choosing. Sports medicine providers will find value in the site as a place to refer patients for information on conservative approaches to sport-related health concerns common to the endurance athlete. Cost: Free. Drug Free Sport: http://www.drugfreesport.com/index.asp This is the home web site of The National Center for Drug Free Sport (NCDFS), an organization offering independent drug-testing program management for institutions and organizations. In addition to drug-testing services, the NCDFS also offers assistance in drug policy development and drug program audits. Visitors can subscribe to the NCDFS’s Resource Exchange Center, a database providing up-to-date information on dietary supplements and banned substances. Free educational information for athletes, coaches, administrators, and providers is available under the “myPlaybook Resources” section. Information on the comprehensive myPlaybook educational programs for high school and college athletes also can be found on the site. Team physicians in the process of establishing or revamping their institution’s drug-testing program will be the providers most interested in what this site has to offer. Cost: Free with several subscription-only services. Scuba Doc: http://scuba-doc.com/ Scuba Doc is a free web site with a wealth of information about dive-related medical issues such as decompression sickness, condition-specific considerations, and dive emergency action plans. The information contained on the site will appeal to a wide audience ranging from the nonmedical diver to the physician specializing in dive medicine. Full citations are provided for the contents. Self-assessment quizzes are available for most topics. Perhaps the only weaknesses of this comprehensive web site are the outdated interface and the fact that it was last updated in 2014. Cost: Free. The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Physical Activity Guidelines: http://health.gov/paguidelines/ The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) is a U.S. government office within the Department of Health and Human Services. One of the roles of the ODPHP is to maintain physical activity guidelines, with their most recent comprehensive set published in 2008. In addition to providing easy access to the guidelines, the web site contains reports on physical activity, a list of resources from other governmental organizations such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Department of Agriculture, and a regularly updated blog. The site will appeal most to administrators and public health providers interested in promoting exercise within the populations they care for. Cost: Free.

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