
The present text has an essayistic character, with the proposal to present the theme Weave of Knowledge: sensitive “com-versations” for the Science of the New World. In this sense, it is guided by the thematic proposition and develops the narrative as sensitive “com-versations” between various studies carried out in the South of Brazil, intertwining with researchers from other Brazilian universities and more than 10 countries. The essay corresponds, especially, to theoretical-reflexive conversations, which give orientation to the dimensions: Weave of Knowledge and conversations, with an epistemological-theoretical, ecosystemic-complex-schizoanalytical approach. In this way, it instigates to understand and reflect on scientific signs for the New World, an expression used to represent the becoming, what is to come, in the contemporary scenario, due to the grandiosity of large-scale mutations, for Science, the Coexistence and the possibility of Survival on (and of) the Planet. In methodological terms, the production derives from the association between two authorial methodological strategies: Cartography of Knowledge and Rhizomatic Matrices, which allow the opening to produce Complex and Sensitive Science and, at the same time, for the maturing of the systematization of qualitative data. There is also an association with the assumption that the investigation results from a kind of investigative journey, an investigative journey, and that its result is, in this sense, a travel narrative, with characteristics of sensitive autotranspoietic narratives.

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