
AbstractBedrock landsliding in mountain belts can elevate overall chemical weathering rates through rapid dissolution of exhumed reactive mineral phases in transiently stored deposits. This link between a key process of erosion and the resultant weathering affects the sequestering of carbon dioxide through weathering of silicate minerals and broader links between erosion in active orogens and climate change. Here we address the effect on the carbon cycle of weathering induced by bedrock landsliding in Taiwan and the Western Southern Alps of New Zealand. Using solute chemistry data from samples of seepage from landslide deposits and river discharge from catchments with variable proportions of landsliding, we model the proportion of silicate and carbonate weathering and the balance of sulfuric and carbonic acids that act as weathering agents. We correct for secondary precipitation, geothermal, and cyclic input, to find a closer approximation of the weathering explicitly occurring within landslide deposits. We find highly variable proportions of sulfuric and carbonic acids driving weathering in landslides and stable hillslopes. Despite this variability, the predominance of rapid carbonate weathering within landslides and catchments where mass wasting is prevalent results at best in limited sequestration of carbon dioxide by this process of rapid erosion. In many cases where sulfuric acid is a key weathering agent, a net release of CO2 to the atmosphere occurs. This suggests that a causal link between erosion in mountain belts and climate change through the sequestration of CO2, if it exists, must operate through a process other than chemical weathering driven by landsliding.

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