
The purpose of the research is substantiation of the structure of crop acreage and cultural practice in the steppe zone of Orenburg Region. Time constant Held trial was carried out on the site of the Kuibyshev's experimental production farm located in Orenburg district. Field investigation method was used. Seed material was the following winter rye, winter wheat, spring durum wheat, spring soft wheat, peas, millet, barley. The research was based on the analysis of data on meteorological conditions and crop yields over 30 years. During the research period (1990-2019) significant changes in weather conditions took place. The greatest impact on productivity was exerted by air temperature, increased by 2.0°C during the agricultural year, in autumn period it decreased by 1.4°C, winter became warmer than usual by 2.6°C, spring and summer - by 1.8 and 0.4°C, respectively. Maximum precipitation period was observed in the first rotation - 477 mm, which is 110 mm more than the long - term average (367 mm), minimum - in the fifth rotation (334 mm), the deficit amounted to 33 mm. The most favorable conditions were for winter rye, the yield level rotation ranged from 2.18-3.26 tons per 1 ha. The highest winter wheat yield was observed in the first rotation - 2.54 ton per 1 ha. Barley is more resistant to local weather changes, it was inferior only to winter crops in yield, and the rotation range was1.21-2.49 ton per 1 ha. For other grain crops the objects of the study weather conditions were extremely unfavorable. The research was carried out in accordance with the research plan over 2020-2021, developed by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution titled «Federal Scientific Center for Biological Systems and Agritechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences» (№0761-2019-0003). The article is dedicated to the memory of V. A. Korchagin - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

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