
This study aimed at analyzing nurses (re)construction process regarding the meanings of ostomy, ostomized patients, nursing care and the professional role after they wore an ostomy appliance. This activity is a teaching strategy applied at the Enterostomal Therapy Nursing Education Program. Two major units were identified after the analysis of students speeches: "being an ostomized person" and "being a professional". When students wore the pouches they felt as ostomized patients experiencing a violation of their identity and quality of life that promotes profound changes in daily life. These symbolic contents cause a crisis regarding the meaning of being a professional as until this experience, nursing care seemed fragmented to them. Recognizing a previous care performed as a technical action mainly directed to the ostomy and the pouch, students were able to visualize a future care, that is holistic and considers the ostomized human being, enabling them to incorporate affective, symbolic and relational dimensions.

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