
The Development of a wearable sensor that can monitor a heart rate and body temperature based on ESP8266 NodeMCU microcontroller is proposed in this project. To realize the system, two biomedical sensors are used which are MAX30205 and SEN11574 Pulse Rate Sensor. The sensors should be wearable to make it easy to be used by the patient. All the data that are collected from the sensors are sent via internet and displayed on a mobile apps to be observed by the guardian. MAX30205 is used to measure the temperature and SEN11574 pulse rate sensor is used to measure the heart rate. The data then will be sent through ESP8266 NodeMCU microcontroller and connected to a mobile apps via the internet. Patient can remotely send the information which are heart rate and body temperature from home to the clinic or hospital. Thus, doctors can have the patients’ health history prior to the patients visit.

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