
Wheel–rail wear is one of the important problems in the railway industry, especially from the point of safety, maintenance, and replacement cost. To investigate this phenomenon, it is necessary to simulate the wheel–rail interaction. The simulation results and in particular the wear number is not tangible enough to explain the wear condition of the system. For one set of simulation performed on two different railway systems one could obtain the same wear numbers, of say 100, while having two completely different wear rates. In order to have a better understanding of the wear condition, it is proposed to convert the wear numbers to wear rates. In doing so by measuring the wear rate, one determines the rate at which the wheel flange thickness is reduced. In this research, a new approach has been proposed to determine the wheel wear rate through multi-body dynamic analysis and simulation and the field measurements carried out on the fleet of one of Tehran's subway lines. This procedure could also be expanded to determine a wear criterion for specific lines and their fleets. Having this wear criterion would provide a better understanding of the simulation results either prior to the construction of railway lines or for the presently used ones. In other words, designers can simulate a railway line, not being constructed yet, and with a good approximation determine the critical points along the line with high wear rates, and make necessary modifications to decrease the wear.

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