
In this paper, we propose a novel weakly supervised model, Multi-scale Anchored Transformer Network (MATN), to accurately localize free-form textual phrases with only image-level supervision. The proposed MATN takes region proposals as localization anchors, and learns a multiscale correspondence network to continuously search for phrase regions referring to the anchors. In this way, MATN can exploit useful cues from these anchors to reliably reason about locations of the regions described by the phrases given only image-level supervision. Through differentiable sampling on image spatial feature maps, MATN introduces a novel training objective to simultaneously minimize a contrastive reconstruction loss between different phrases from a single image and a set of triplet losses among multiple images with similar phrases. Superior to existing region proposal based methods, MATN searches for the optimal bounding box over the entire feature map instead of selecting a sub-optimal one from discrete region proposals. We evaluate MATN on the Flickr30K Entities and ReferItGame datasets. The experimental results show that MATN significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

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