
The vertex set of a digraph D is denoted by V (D). A c-partite tournament is an orientation of a complete c-partite graph. A digraph D is called cycle complementary if there exist two vertex disjoint cycles C1 and C2 such that V (D) = V (C1) ( V (C2), and a multipartite tournament D is called weakly cycle complementary if there exist two vertex disjoint cycles C1 and C2 such that V (C1) ( V (C2) contains vertices of all partite sets of D. The problem of complementary cycles in 2-connected tournaments was completely solved by Reid (4) in 1985 and Z. Song (5) in 1993. They proved that every 2-connected tournament T on at least 8 vertices has complementary cycles of length t and jV (T)j i t for all 3 • tjV (T)j=2. Recently, Volkmann (8) proved that each regular multipartite tournament D of order jV (D)j ‚ 8 is cycle complementary. In this article, we analyze multipartite tournaments that are weakly cycle complementary. Especially, we will characterize all 3-connected c-partite tournaments with c ‚ 3 that are weakly cycle complementary. 1. Terminology In this paper all digraphs are flnite without loops and multiple arcs. The vertex set and the arc set of a digraph D are denoted by V (D) and E(D), respectively. If xy is an arc of a digraph D, then we write x ! y and say x dominates y, and if X and Y are two disjoint vertex sets or subdigraphs of D such that every vertex of X dominates every vertex of Y , then we say that X dominates Y , denoted by X ! Y. Furthermore, X ; Y denotes the fact that there is no arc leading from Y to X. If D is a digraph, then the out-neighborhood N + D (x) = N + (x) of a vertex x is the set of vertices dominated by x and the in-neighborhood N i D (x) = N i (x) is the set of vertices dominating x. Therefore, if the arc xy 2 E(D) exists, then y is an outer neighbor of x and x is an inner neighbor of y. The numbers d + (x) = d + (x) = jN + (x)j and d i (x) = d i (x) = jN i (x)j are called the outdegree and the indegree of x, respectively. Furthermore, the numbers - + D = - + = minfd + (x)jx 2 V (D)g and - i D = - i = minfd i (x)jx 2 V (D)g are the minimum outdegree and the minimum

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