
The synchronization of multiple oscillators serves as the central mechanism for maintaining stable circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior. Aging and disease can disrupt synchronization, leading to changes in the periodicity of circadian activities. While our understanding of the circadian clock under synchronization has advanced significantly, less is known about its behavior outside synchronization, which can also fall within a predictable domain. These states not only impact the stability of the rhythms but also modulate the period length. In C57BL/6 mice, aging, diseases, and removal of peripheral circadian oscillators often result in lengthened behavioral circadian periods. Here, we show that these changes can be explained by a surprisingly simple mathematical relationship: the frequency is the reciprocal of the period, and its distribution becomes skewed when the period distribution is symmetric. The synchronized frequency of a population in the skewed distribution and the macroscopic frequency of combined oscillators differ, accounting for some of the atypical circadian period outputs observed in networks without synchronization. Building on this finding, we investigate the dynamics of circadian outputs in the context of aging and disease, where synchronization is weakened.

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