
Reliable signal propagation across distributed brain areas provides the basis for neural circuit function. Modeling studies on cortical circuits have shown that multilayered feed-forward networks (FFNs), if strongly and/or densely connected, can enable robust signal propagation. However, cortical networks are typically neither densely connected nor have strong synapses. This paper investigates under which conditions spiking activity can be propagated reliably across diluted FFNs. Extending previous works, we model each layer as a recurrent sub-network constituting both excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) neurons and consider the effect of interactions between local excitation and inhibition on signal propagation. It is shown that elevation of cellular excitation–inhibition (EI) balance in the local sub-networks (layers) softens the requirement for dense/strong anatomical connections and thereby promotes weak signal propagation in weakly connected networks. By means of iterated maps, we show how elevated local excitability state compensates for the decreased gain of synchrony transfer function that is due to sparse long-range connectivity. Finally, we report that modulations of EI balance and background activity provide a mechanism for selectively gating and routing neural signal. Our results highlight the essential role of intrinsic network states in neural computation.

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