
A graph is $k$-degenerate if every subgraph $H$ has a vertex $v$ with $d_{H}(v) \leq k$. The class of degenerate graphs plays an important role in the graph coloring theory. Observed that every $k$-degenerate graph is $(k + 1)$-choosable and $(k + 1)$-DP-colorable. Bernshteyn and Lee defined a generalization of $k$-degenerate graphs, which is called \emph{weakly $k$-degenerate}. The weak degeneracy plus one is an upper bound for many graph coloring parameters, such as choice number, DP-chromatic number and DP-paint number. In this paper, we give two sufficient conditions for a plane graph without $4$- and $6$-cycles to be weakly $2$-degenerate, which implies that every such graph is $3$-DP-colorable and near-bipartite, where a graph is near-bipartite if its vertex set can be partitioned into an independent set and an acyclic set.

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