
The Ipswich Railway Workshops War Memorial stands as a tribute to the men from the workshops who enlisted to serve in the First World War. Research into the efforts to raise funds, construct and dedicate the memorial provides insight into the culture and internal workings of the workshops, its workforce and its role within Queensland Railways. The cost of producing the memorial it was met through contributions from the workshops workforce, as well as in kind donations and provision of materials and equipment from the Railways. It was designed by the Queensland Railways architect Vincent Price. As it was located on Queensland Railway property it was the railway department’s responsibility to ensure it was maintained and cared for just like any other asset in the Railway’s portfolio. Despite these unique qualities the story of this memorial also runs parallel to the efforts of cities, towns and communities across Queensland and Australia to raise funds and build tributes to the members of their communities who served and died in the First World War. Communities across Queensland commissioned 61 similar memorials in response to the significant loss of community members as a result of the war. The Ipswich Workshops Memorial therefore reflects a broader aesthetic and commemorative trend. The legacy of this trend continues to influence aspects of community remembrance today. The Ipswich Workshops Memorial and many like it continue to serve as the focal point for commemorative activities on ANZAC and Remembrance Day.

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