
America is reeling from yet another devastating spate of mass shootings. Last month, in the span of 10 days, shooters targeted a Taiwanese church in California, a grocery store in a Black neighborhood in New York, and an elementary school in Texas. Although opponents of sensible gun control-the kind that prevails throughout most of the civilized world-continue to put the spotlight on the shooters' motivations or unstable mental states, these are cynical diversions from the one obvious truth: The common thread in all of the country's revolting mass shootings is the absurdly easy access to guns. The science is clear: Restrictions work, and it's likely that even more limitations would save thousands of lives. So why not take the laws much further, as other countries have done? The alternative is painfully obvious-living with more and more senseless carnage, courtesy of the National Rifle Association and their well-funded political lackeys.

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