
In 2020, the lack of an administrative response to the rising rates of COVID-19 and the inability of public leaders to provide proper oversight and accountability for unjust government actions by (police officers) presents a clear case of the failure of the administrative state. These actions have led to a national outcry by individuals and organizations (in particular Black Lives Matter (BLM)) that are fed up with the inequity that exists in society. Unlike prior movements, BLM in its current form has gained a powerful ally in members of professional sports, in particular the NBA and the WNBA. While sport figures have protested administrative failures before, this new wave of athletes have been able to capitalize on their positions and gain the support of their respective associations. In this dialogue, we explore the emergence of the Black American athlete as a key group in creating change within the administrative state, highlighted by the actions of LeBron James and Maya Moore as well as organizational support from both the NBA and the WNBA to combat social injustice across several settings. Finally, we assert that athletes play a powerful role in pushing forward the conversation around institutional and systemic racism in society.

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