
WANA, the We Are Not Alone support group came into being in 1995, as the result of women experiencing perinatal bereavement after having prenatal screening and testing that diagnosed a fetal anomaly (either a genetic or chromosomal disorder or some structural abnormality of the fetus). As screening for fetal anomalies by alpha-feto-protein (AFP) blood screenings became ubiquitous, usually followed by amniocentesis in the early 1990s and now typically by the Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) prenatal test or ultrasound, women and their partners were faced with decisions about whether to continue a pregnancy known to be affected by some sort of fetal anomaly. A variety of fetal anomalies (Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, hypoplastic left heart syndrome to name just a few from chromosomal to genetic to structural respectively) are diagnosable, yet the severity and phenotypical impact are not always known.

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