
ABSTRACT This article renews the call by Chaffin and Bonner in 1998 to cease treating youth who engage in sexually abusive behaviors like adult male convicted sex offenders. The author urges that professionals cease imposing an adult-centered convicted sex offender paradigm in assessment and treatment. A new paradigm is advocated that considers sexual developmental and gender issues, along with judicial status in all areas of intervention (i.e., clinical and risk assessment, treatment/service planning, and possible treatment [when needed]). The paradigm is grounded on the Family Lovemap model, a conceptual framework for assessing the youth’s bio-physio-psycho-social-sexual and erotic development. Discussed is the evidence-based, developmentally and gender sensitive risk-level tool, MEGA♪ as a viable option for assessing risk for persistent coarse sexual improprieties and sexually abusive behaviors in youth ages 4–19 (adjudicated and non-adjudicated). Selected significant empirical findings are presented from 3,901 youths who were participants in samples of the MEGA♪ validation studies.

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