
WCp / Ti26Al24V graded metal mat rix co mpo sites ( MMC) layer was p roduced by t he laser melt injection (L MI) p rocess and t he fo rmation mechanism of t he graded layer was st udied. The result s show t hat t he initial speed of t he particle ( v0 ) , t he minimum velocit y of injected particles necessary for penet rating t hro ugh t he melt surface ( vmin ) and t he visco sit y of t he melt pool (η) play key roles in t he dist ributio n of t he WC particle. Wit h big densit y , t he WC particle has high kinetic energy during t he laser melt injectio n p rocess , and t herefore t he visco sit y of t he melt pool is not a critical facto r anymore. The solidification f ro nt of t he solid2liquid interface of t he melt pool is t he mo st sensitive facto r t hat determines t he formatio n of t he graded layer when t he WC particle is used as injection particle. Meanwhile , t he total amount of WC particle at different dept h of t he MMC layer is do minated by t he lengt h of t he solidificatio n f ro nt in t hi s dept h. The injection location plays an impo rtant role in t he dist ribution of WC particles. When t he WC particles are injected into t he extended part of melt pool , t he dept h of t his regio n is low , and t he WC particles meet t he solidification f ro nt at higher po sitio n. In t hat case , mo st WC particles are t rapped at t he top part of t he melt pool and t herefore a WCp / Ti26Al24V graded metal mat rix compo sites layer is fo rmed.

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