
Formulation of the problem. The issue of regulating the protection of human and citizen’s rights and freedoms by the National Police of Ukraine has come a long way in its formation and development. Issues of legislation in the sphere of protection of human and citizen’s rights and freedoms, which acted on the territory of Ukrainian lands within the territory of modern Ukraine, were adopted by different subjects, had different legal force, tasks, updated depending on the development of social relations. In modern legal science, the problem of ensuring the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen by the National Police has several areas – it is the legislative support for such activities and the competencies of the National Police to ensure public order and public security. To date, a new regulatory act, the Law on National Police, has been adopted.Objective: To determine the optimal directions for improving the activities of the National Police to ensure the rights and freedoms of the individual and citizen as a component of public security. The article deals with the problem of organizational and legal improvement of the activities of the National Police in the field of ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms.The authors suggestions on methodological, scientific and organizational mechanisms of improvement processes are presented. The category of public security is presented as an integral part of ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The levels of the process of improvement are determined, as a result of which the concept of a service state as an element of ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen by law enforcement bodies is formed.The algorithm for developing a mechanism for providing public security consists of several basic levels.The first level defines the «scientific» concept of «the phenomenon of public security of Ukraine» as an element of ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the following areas: a) determining levels of mechanism for ensuring public safety in the activities of the National Police; b) structuring and modeling the interaction of law enforcement structures within the framework of ensuring public safety; c) optimization of models of ensuring public safety from the standpoint of the activities of the National Police in the field of the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms.The second level determines the possibility for theoretical and practical experiments on modeling in the field of public safety: a) options for changing existing models of public safety; b) integration of new elements into the existing mechanism of ensuring public safety; c) the probability of a variation element and the probability of negative results.The third level is practical; it defines the final versions of the implementation of changes in the current model of ensuring public security in Ukraine: a) legislative support; b) public safety management and management; c) the definition of processes of optimal relations in the management and competence of individual units of the National Police.The main result of the implementation of the mechanism of ensuring public security in Ukraine should be the reduction of losses of elements of public security of Ukraine in the occurrence and functioning of situations of threats and dangers, reduction of the level of economic losses and compensation of losses to physical and legal persons caused by the public security of Ukraine, stabilization of the structure of public security of Ukraine on influence various threats and dangers on the activity of public security of Ukraine, establishment of the level of «security stability» of the whole structure publicly of Ukraine’s security to overcome the direct impact of the dangers and threats in the activity of certain subjects of public security of Ukraine in the risk of professional and non-professional nature, reducing the level of influence of the dangers and threats to Ukraine’s social security in relation to other subjects of law in the system of social and public counteraction offense and crime.

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