
Approaches to the creation of methods of technical diagnosis of choker and interchoker jumpers, as well as the determination of their pre-failure states are considered in the article. Timely detection of a pre-failure condition allows to eliminate the fault in timely manner, and to avoid failure of an element and the system as a whole. As a result, train downtime is reduced, reputational risks and financial losses are mitigated. Practical application of the obtained results is possible during building of systems for monitoring of the technical condition of the traction rail networks (both DC and AC). Development and implementation of these systems is necessary due to the development of heavy-weight traffic on the railroad network and the transition to unmanned technologies. Similar systems have found wide application in the railway automation and telemechanics industry, and their distribution in the railroad infrastructure complex shall become a priority, which will require the development of new technical solutions, as well as science-based methods of data collection and processing, including the use of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, such as neural networks and BigData.

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