
1. If the entire amounts of the 62–85° C (62–105) and 85–180° C (105–180) fractions of crude oil are reformed catalytically, as is done in the Kuibyshev region, a considerable additional rise of the octane number of the car gasolines may be achieved by withdrawing the fractions of low octane number from the gasoline stock and converting these fractions chemically. 2. Application of isomerization raises the reduced cost of a unit of the octane number. If the raffinates are withdrawn, the reduced cost of a unit of the octane number depends on the cost of the isomerized product. If the cost of the homerized product is low (10 rubles/ton), withdrawal of the raffinates is disadvantageous; it will become attractive if the cost is high (above 15 rubles/ton). 3. Comparison of the various examined ways of further increasing the octane numbers reveals that upon application of isomerization the additional exploitation costs per unit rise of the octane number increases more steeply then upon withdrawal of the raffinates. The most rational way of raising the average octane number of the gasoline stock is withdrawal of the raffinates for chemical conversion.

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