
To preserve and strengthen the health of young people, one of the tasks of the state in the field of healthy nutrition is the development of the production of functional food products enriched with the necessary macro- and microelements; development of supplements of biologically active substances and orientation of higher education to increase the level of valeology students, and introduction of relevant topics and subjects into the educational process of higher educational institutions. The article is devoted to the problem of monitoring chemicals in the nutrition of student youth in modern conditions. With the help of a questionnaire and the method of determining the content of micro- and macroelements in the daily diet, non-compliance with the principles of rational nutrition by full-time students was revealed, which negatively affects their health. For all full-time students, there is a deficit of iodine consumption, a deficit of 50.2% of phosphorus, 64.7% of zinc, and 56.2% of chromium. The average content of calcium in daily rations was less than recommended by approximately 1.7 times for girls and 1 .95 times for young men, and calcium deficiency was found in 97.9% of students, and magnesium deficiency in 82.4%. The intake of Ferrum, Manganese, Selenium and Copper with food rations exceeds the recommended values. The study of the quality of the diets of junior year students showed that the majority of students have a polydeficient, unbalanced diet in terms of micro- and macroelements, as well as a lack of a conscious attitude to nutrition. A low level of students' abilities and skills in organizing their own food was revealed. An insufficient level of knowledge about proper nutrition is a potential factor in the deterioration of health, the occurrence of primary and secondary alimentary diseases, and a decrease in mental capacity. Ways to increase the level of knowledge of practical nutrition of higher school students and ways to solve the problem of balanced nutrition of students as an effective condition for improving their health as an effective condition for improving their health It was established that one of the priority tasks today is to increase the level of education of student youth on healthy nutrition.

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